Increasing the efficiency and reliability of electrical installations through fast reactive power compensation
Speaker: Dr Kurt Schipman, ABB Power Quality Products
Morning session: 10h00 - 11h00
Afternoon session: 17h00 - 18h00
(webinars are free of charge, but prior registration is required)
This webinar reviews the concept of reactive power and highlights problems that can occur if too much reactive power is drawn from the supply system. Depending on the load type (slowly or fast varying, small or large power loads) and the network (weak or strong networks, harmonics present or not), different phenomena can occur; from simply putting extra stress on supply cables to power outages bringing production lines to standstill. It is shown that for different applications different reactive power compensation solutions must be applied - special attention is paid to fast reactive power compensators and their use. Selecting the right solution can bring substantial (energy) savings to the users